Here you can find the server rules.
Respectful Behavior If someone asks you to stop hurling insults or to tone down excessive profanity, please respect their request. Acting in an immature or aggressive manner disrupts the community. Staff will intervene if necessary. In short, behaving disrespectfully will not be tolerated and may lead to consequences at the staff's discretion.
Sensitive Topics While no topic is strictly off-limits, discussions about sensitive subjects such as politics, religion, race, or sexuality often escalate quickly. Therefore, staff may intervene to stop discussions if they devolve into insults or personal attacks.
Context Matters Context is key. Just because an attack doesn't contain profanity doesn't mean it's acceptable. Similarly, using profanity alone does not justify bad behavior. Players are encouraged to maintain civility and settle minor disputes on their own before escalating them to the staff. Persistent aggravation may be punished at the discretion of the staff.
Harassment If you're being harassed privately even after you've asked the individual to stop and have used the /ignore feature, please contact the staff with evidence. Harassment will not be tolerated, and appropriate action will be taken based on the staff's evaluation.
Staff Behavior While staff members may engage in light banter, they will not tolerate demands, baseless accusations, or insults. If you have an issue with the behavior of a staff member, address the complaint with the administration.
False Reports Falsely accusing someone or lying to staff will be taken seriously and will result in severe punishment.
Language in Chat Channels English is the mandatory language in the #main and #map channels, as this is an international server. Using English is highly encouraged in Prontera as well, but it will only be enforced if necessary. Please be mindful of other players who may not speak your language.
Advertisement Advertising most external content will result in a permanent ban. The only exception is if you are advertising your personal streaming channels, provided you're an active player on the server.
Inappropriate Names/Titles Character, party, and guild names, as well as titles, containing extreme profanity or personal attacks, are prohibited. You will be asked to change them, or face potential punishment.
Spamming in Cities Spamming area skills or visually-intensive actions in cities is not allowed and will be punished.
Begging for Zeny, Items, or Help Begging other players or staff for zeny, items, or assistance is not permitted and may result in punishment.
Drama Discussions General discussions are welcome, but all drama-related conversations should be confined to the #drama channel. Drama or disruptive discussions outside of the designated channel may result in a mute or other disciplinary actions at the discretion of the staff.
Botting Policy Botting is done at your own risk. However, if you ask staff to provide information such as HP addresses or anything else required for botting, you will be punished. The decision on whether botting is allowed or not is at the discretion of the staff, and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Last updated