ExquisiteRO - MVP Shards System
-MVP Shards System Guide by Sliv.
Last updated
-MVP Shards System Guide by Sliv.
Last updated
This guide lists all the items that can be bought using the MVP shards. Elara the Collector (prontera 166, 225) stands beside the MVP Arena NPC. Talking to her opens the shop where players can use their collected MVP shards. Players can acquire the basic MVP cards they need for a certain amount of MVP shards. Players can also acquire useful gears using the MVP shards system.
MVP shards are dropped from almost every MVPs in the server at 5% chance. The easiest way to farm for those is through the MVP arena. Alternatively, players can summon MVPs via Bloody Branch for a chance to get those MVP shards.
Use Bubble Gum or HE Bubble Gum to acquire MVP shards faster
Custom Dungeon and Cedi MVPs do not drop MVP shards